*JJ Fields will be playing at the Deli 54a George st. Thebarton. 6.30-9.30pm
Come down and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere,great food while I play some of my favourite Blues.
Thursday April 7
*The Customlines 8.30 pm. Then kick off jam with Billy Bob. The Gumbo Room has had a revamp and its cool! free entry, $10 Gumbo Stew.

*Shades of Blue @ the Publishers Hotel 110 Franklin St. Adelaide
band kicks off 8.00pm

8.00pm - Midnight @ Finn MacCools Norwood
DJ Paul Davy will kick off the night @ 8pm, then Lady Voodoo and the Rituals will be doing their thing.
Once again Finn Macools will be offering some great specials
$10 T-Bones with Chips and Salad before 9
Guiness $7.50 Imperial Pints
Schooners $4
Pints $6
Imperial Pints $7
Friday April 8
*Gwynn Ashton @ Three Brothers Hotel Macclesfield, (solo)*Zkye and Dammo @ Friday Blues Club @ The Gassie
Chief St Brompton $10 Entry from 8.00pm
*The Streamliners make their return to the Semaphore Workers Club stage!
$10.00 entry, doors open 8 till midnight
The Esplanade Semaphore

SaturdayApril 9
‘Ragas, Jugs & Mojo Hands’ features collaboration from Gwyn Ashton and Chris Finnen, two of the finest musicians to come out of South Australia and both inductees of the South Australian Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Friends for 35 years, the two kindred-spirit musicians join together for the first time on record.
Read all about the New CD and hear some preview tracks here
*You are Invited to attend the Pre-Launch Party with of ‘Ragas, Jugs & Mojo Hands’ with Gwyn Ashton and Chris Finnen, at the

*Blue Beat Allstars and Fistful of Trojans @ Parra Hills Community Club
After 30 years The BlueBeat Allstars (aka Strange Tenants) have reunited and are heading to Adelaide! The Fistful of Trojans are chuffed to have put this great event together for all you SKA lovers out there.
A night of Ska & Reggae just like the old days. The BlueBeat Allstars 30 years on and still playing strong and Fistful of Trojans Just $25 a ticket and you can pre-book via the venue on 08 82582848
A night of Ska & Reggae just like the old days. The BlueBeat Allstars 30 years on and still playing strong and Fistful of Trojans Just $25 a ticket and you can pre-book via the venue on 08 82582848
*Lady Voodoo & the Rituals Beachside Boogaloo
9 PM · Semaphore Hotel · Adelaide
Sunday April 10
*Mick Kidd @ The Beddie!
Sun 5 PM · Bedford Hotel · Woodside
*Billy Bob & Sweet Alice 3.30 pm Publishers Hotel
*Leon and Thommo commercial hotel two wells 2-6pm
*Laura and the Organics @ The Semaphore Workers Club 4-8pm
$10 gets you in

*Record Store Day Australia. www.recordstoreday.com.au
This is the one day when record stores come together with artists and record labels to celebrate the joy of music. Expect limited releases, specials and promo stuff, along with live music in-store and artists dropping by to say hi.
Legendary Adelaide band Masters Apprentices will be instore at ROCKTHERAPY RECORDS in Daw Park Adelaide at 2pm. Not a performance, but a great chance to meet the band, buy CDs and have them sign them of bring the ones you own (records, CDs, cassettes!) have they will happily sign those too.
Tuesday April 12
*The Gassie Blues Lounge

Thursday April 14
*JJ Fields and the T-Bones @
- New Carpeted Stage – 3.6M x 2.4M
- Backline – Drums, bass amp and guitar amp supplied
- New Coloured LED Stage Lights
- Curtain and Railing to side and back of stage on its way!
- The Gov will have a free raffle for free double ticket give aways to future Main Room shows drawn at 10.30pm.
- A special $10 Gumbo meal will be available every Thursday night
- All ARBA members will receive a Gumbo/ARBA membership key ring that will entitle them to a $5.50 pints of beer on the Thursday night only plus other future drink specials
- Jammer's Blackboard- there will be a Gumbo Room/ARBA jammer’s board where all jammer’s can enter their name to have an opportunity to jam on the night (on a first in first served basis)
- All jammer’s that get up and jam will receive a free drink voucher from the MC on the night
- Special guest band will start at 8.30pm with jams to start at 9.15pm
- An ARBA representative will be there each week with membership forms Merchandise & raffles
*Club Boogaloo
8.00pm - Midnight @ Finn MacCools Norwood

Sunday April 17
*Mick Kidd at the Blackies!
Sun 2 PM · The Blacksmiths Inn · One Tree Hill
*Steve Gower @ The Bedford Hotel 5 PM
60 Onkaparinga Valley Rd, Woodside SA

*Billy Bob & Sweet Alice 3.30 pm Publishers Hotel
*Leon and Thommo commercial hotel two wells 2-6pm
*Laura and the Organics @ The Semaphore Workers Club 4-8pm
$10 gets you in

*Record Store Day Australia. www.recordstoreday.com.au
This is the one day when record stores come together with artists and record labels to celebrate the joy of music. Expect limited releases, specials and promo stuff, along with live music in-store and artists dropping by to say hi.
Legendary Adelaide band Masters Apprentices will be instore at ROCKTHERAPY RECORDS in Daw Park Adelaide at 2pm. Not a performance, but a great chance to meet the band, buy CDs and have them sign them of bring the ones you own (records, CDs, cassettes!) have they will happily sign those too.
Tuesday April 12
*The Gassie Blues Lounge

Thursday April 14
*JJ Fields and the T-Bones @
- New Carpeted Stage – 3.6M x 2.4M
- Backline – Drums, bass amp and guitar amp supplied
- New Coloured LED Stage Lights
- Curtain and Railing to side and back of stage on its way!
- The Gov will have a free raffle for free double ticket give aways to future Main Room shows drawn at 10.30pm.
- A special $10 Gumbo meal will be available every Thursday night
- All ARBA members will receive a Gumbo/ARBA membership key ring that will entitle them to a $5.50 pints of beer on the Thursday night only plus other future drink specials
- Jammer's Blackboard- there will be a Gumbo Room/ARBA jammer’s board where all jammer’s can enter their name to have an opportunity to jam on the night (on a first in first served basis)
- All jammer’s that get up and jam will receive a free drink voucher from the MC on the night
- Special guest band will start at 8.30pm with jams to start at 9.15pm
- An ARBA representative will be there each week with membership forms Merchandise & raffles
*Club Boogaloo
8.00pm - Midnight @ Finn MacCools Norwood

Sunday April 17
*Mick Kidd at the Blackies!
Sun 2 PM · The Blacksmiths Inn · One Tree Hill
*Steve Gower @ The Bedford Hotel 5 PM
60 Onkaparinga Valley Rd, Woodside SA

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